OpenStack Icehouse Developer Summit

| categories: openstack, devstack

OpenStack has had a global reach since the early days but the Design Summits have always been a US-based affair. Last week we finally took the every-six-month roadshow off-continent and ventured out to Hong Kong. Of course the Conference is co-located and concurrent but I didn't make it to any of those sessions this time and only knew it was there by going to lunch in the expo hall and seeing some familiar vendor faces.

We begin with the projects most subject to my attention, DevStack, Grenade and OpenStackClient.


This is the first summit where DevStack has program status and thus its own track of two back-to-back sessions. I hear russellb is jealous...

New Bits

The DevStack 'New Bits' session (EtherPad) was spent talking about a couple of the significant additions to DevStack late in the Havana cycle. I wrote about the local config work as it was being developed, the discussion in the session was primarily a Q&A. One bit that was covered was converting devstack-gate to use this form rather than localrc.

The other major DevStack addition is a plugin mechanism to configure and start additional services without requiring changes to DevStack. This is partially intended for new projects to be able to use DevStack for their Jenkins testing without requiring them to be added to the DevStack repo.

This is an expansion of the existing hook into extras.d that automagically ran scripts at the end of These scripts are essentially dispatchers as they are called multiple times from, and has an example of an extras.d dispatch script.

Savanna and Tempest have been converted to the plugin format with Marconi in progress. Most of the remaining layer 4 projects should also be able to be converted to the plugin format.

Other highlights, some of which I intend to cover here in the future:

  • bash8 - style testing for Bash scripts similar to hacking/pep8/flake8; there is interest in this becoming a stand-alone project if it proves to be useful
  • DevStack tests - the addition of provides a familiar, if deprecated, interface to running bash8 and other tests
  • exercises - the DevStack exercises are now unused in all gate testing except Grenade's base phase. As they are still generally useful outside the gate test environment a new Jenkins job needs to be added to check them for bit rot.

Distro Support

sdague led the DevStack 'Distro Support' session (EtherPad) discussing distro supported status and what we need to do to bring the current ones up to snuff and what might be required of new additions.

The primary requirement to adding the support tag is the ability to have it tested in the DevStack gate. Unfortunately, neither of the clouds that provide test resources to our CI infrastructure (HP Cloud and Rackspace Cloud Servers) allow arbitrary images to be uploaded so only distros that have supported images are able to be tested. The third-party testing hooks might be able to be used to mitigate some of this but the resources for that testing will need to be supplied.

There was also some discussion around projects getting supported status from DevStack. A lot of this is a timing and process issue for incubation/integration process wanting to see testing before graduation from those steps but not wanting to add projects to DevStack that are not on that track. The addition of the extras.d capability for projects to be easily added to DevStack without modifying it goes a long way toward setting up the needed testing to demonstrate the capability of the project and team before actually adding it to the repo.

The flow will look like:

  • third-party testing in StackForge will utilize the extras.d plugins to do the required pre-incubation testing
  • after incubation, the project gets added to the DevStack repo (still utilizing the plugin mech) and added to the gate as a requirement for graduation to integrated status.


The Grenade session (EtherPad) focused mostly on expanding the test matrix of base and target releases that need testing. This includes tests from stable releases to trunk and stable release updates as well as from stable release updates to next stable or trunk.

A couple of new control variables need to be added:

  • Need to be able to turn off the db_sync operation for rolling upgrade testing that is not able to do the long-running sync operation.
  • Need to designate services to not be upgraded, i.e. test everything new with the old nova-compute (n-cpu).

Adding more projects to Grenade is desirable, the conclusion on the initial set:

  • Neutron is not ready; will not be considered for Grenade at least until it is voting in the gate.
  • Ceilometer has no Tempest tests; in order to be added to Grenade it will also need tests backported to Tempest stable/havana.
  • Heat has few Tempest tests; is considered out of scope at this time.
  • Trove needs to have Tempest tests and a Grenade plan by graduation from incubation.

There has also been some desire expressed to be able to use the upgrade scripts outside of Grenade itself. Right now they rely heavily on DevStack components, the work to separate that is low priority, but contributions welcome as always.


My favorite project returned to the regular session schedule in Hong Kong. I conducted our talk in Portland as an Unconference session partly because I really just wanted to talk to the group of regular comitters to sort out a plan. That may have been short-sighted as the level of interest and contribution dropped off sharply. Oops.

This time around dhellmann offered an Oslo slot for OSC and I snapped it up as that is probably the least ill-fitting track for it. That had the side effect of prompting the question of putting OSC under Oslo organizationally. I am OK with that even though Oslo has traditionally been focused on libraries and reusable code. Another that has come up before would be to treat it as a distinct project like Horizon. We passed on that initially in San Francisco as the consensus was that it was not large enough to warrant that status, and that is still the case in my view.

In the session (EtherPad) I reviewed the recent activities including the 0.2 release last July and the addition of unit test templates.

Implementation of the Objet API has begun, utilizing a new module to perform the low-level requests interface. Why not just use swiftclient? Good question, and at the time I was looking for an excuse to try out a thinner approach to implementing the REST APIs.

I also have started work on API version detection, in parallel with a couple other projects. I see this as mostly a platform for testing approaches and to free the client from requiring versions in the service catalog.

Future work will look into Jamie's Keystone auth refactor and leverage that as the common REST library. Segue...

Keystone Client

The Keystone core devs were in the OSC session and strongly suggested I come to their Keystone client sessions on Wednsday afternoon, which I was planning to do anyway so my arm remained undamanged. I finally met Jamie Lennox, who has been doing a lot of work refactoring the auth bits of the client lib and absorbing much of the bits Alessio started a whil eback and proposed to Oslo last May.

I liked most of what I heard and liked it even better after Jamie straightened out some of my confusion-because-of-lack-of-source-code-reading at dinner Friday night. I think we are on the same page to create the one client to rule them all and just need to tune some details that are likely to appear after the post-summit haze clears. And while this space doesn't officially speak for the projects I am core on, because this is essentially my brain-dump space you, dear reader, get an advance look at what is likely to be proposed sooner than later.

One CLI, one core^H^H^H^Hintegrated^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hbasic API lib, user-pluggable additional API libs. I see it like this:

  • python-openstackclient - continues to be a single project focused on an ultra-consistent command line interface; directly consumes:
  • python-os-identityclient - a new Identity API library born out of Jamie's refactoring auth/session work with a new library API that doesn't even try to be compatible with the old stuff. No cli, speaks Identity v2 and v3, directly usable by all other libraries and projects to handle authenticated communication to openStack APIs.
  • python-XXXclient - TBD how the division of the other API libraries fall out. I want to minimize the number of moving parts for most users and not have the higher-level optional projects impose an undue burden on dependencies.

Other Bits

All-in-all it was a good week, including multiple trips into the city for sight-seeing, street-level eating, parties, 102nd story eating, death-marches down Nathan Road in search of (open) Starbucks, you know, all the usual stuff. Breakfast in the airport every morning (Maxim's Deluxe sticky-top cheese buns rule). Catching up with team-mates over non-IRC channels. Wondering WTF happened to jeblair's hat (my bet is HK customs impounded it, even though afazekas managed to smuggle in his red fedora). Wondering if Vishy and Termie survived Macau without going broke the first night.

The OSF board finalized the intent to agree on an agreement on the definition of core and how it is a totally overloaded word in the OpenStack world. Wait, I may have dreamed part of that...or all of it. Anyway, the usage of layers when describing the technical relationships of the projects seems to be catching on, I heard it at least once outside the sessions where I used it.

And so the OpenStack March on Atlanta begins. I have a hunch the city will fare better next May than it did when General Sherman came for a visit back in the day. And I will forever hope that there will be more carbonated caffiene. I think Pepsi would be a fine choice given the locale, Mountain Dew even. In Coke's back yard, yeah, right.

It is too bad we're not coming up to the 'S' release, I'd lobby for calling it Savannah just to enjoy watching people trying to keep track of the Savanna Savannah release. Or would that be the Savannah Savanna release? See, the fun we could have!

'J': Not Jacksonville, they are both in the wrong state and I don't want to type that many letters. Let's start a campaign for 'Joyland'!